St Francis Toy Sale Saturday 26 October 2024 at 2.00 pm
Parish BBQ 19 May 2024 St Mary’s Centre
Ascension Day Services 2024
Mothering Sunday 10 March 2024
This Sunday we will be celebrating Mothering Sunday.
Also known as Refreshment Sunday (when we take a break from our Lenten fasting), Laetare Sunday when some churches will use Rose as the liturgical colour, day of relaxation from normal Lenten rigours, a day of hope with Easter at last within sight.
The Journey to the Mother Church;
In the 16th century, Mothering Sunday was less about mothers and more about church. Back then, people would make a journey to their ‘mother’ church once a year. This might have been their home church, their nearest cathedral or a major parish church in a bigger town. The service which took place at the ‘mother’ church symbolised the coming together of families. This would have represented a significant journey for many.
We remember and prayer for mothers everywhere and particularly in areas of conflict, violence and poverty.

St Mary Churchyard Update
During storms in the past couple of years several of the trees in the churchyard have had branches breaking off causing damage to property. So in January the parish commissioned a detailed Tree Hazard Assessment Survey and Condition Report covering all the trees in the churchyard.
As a result of this survey Slough Borough Council’s contractor is working to ensure the continuing health of our trees and the safety of all users of the churchyard and our neighbours. In some cases this means felling trees which are no longer viable and pruning others to make them safe.
When contractors are on site, please take care and follow contractor health and safety guidance while visiting the churchyard. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Our Honorary Librarian, Jane Sculpher janesculpher@hotmail.co.uk can be contacted with general enquiries or to discuss visits to the Library in addition to the published dates.

St Mary Social Committee would like to thank everyone who came, supported, and contributed on the day and/or who provided donations! Also, to those behind the scenes before and after the event!

Thank you to Oakwood Estates, Langley for helping us advertise the event!
Keeping in Touch: Please keep watching the Parish website and Facebook page for resources and current events. The Latest issue of Around Langley is available in churches , and may be accessed online Around Langley Magazine Spare copies Around Langley the magazine may be obtained from Anna Thomas-Betts 01753 822013.
Bell-ringers needed! Bells have been rung in St Mary the Virgin since 1552 (and probably earlier!), it is a wonderful tradition which is sadly dying out and it may happen here. If you would like to learn how to ring church bells contact Fr Chris by mobile — 07910 077885 or Mark Instone, email: Markinstone202@btinternet.com
A thank you message from HRH King Charles III (02 November 2022)